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Friday, August 13, 2010

Our Animals Are Leaving

I have observed that the most important thing, or the pillars on which our lives stand, are animals, which are slowly and gradually becoming extinct. And important thing to be noted: WE ARE KILLING THEM!

Until relatively recently, in human history, people existed as nomadic hunter gatherers, and obtained their food from animals. Not only food, but wool, milk, meat and many more things were obtained from animals. This reflects the thought that humans and animals had a good relationship, but the real picture does not look to be so attractive.

Humans are now using deadly weapons to kill the animals. They are killing much more animals in comparison to the past. This killing creates enmity between the two creatures. Animals have been maintaining the balance of the world for thousands of years, but now the situation has taken a U-turn, and the only fly in the ointment is their killing. Animals' killing starts at the crack of dawn, and continues until the night shows its vague face.
Scientists have hit the nail on the head by saying that many animals are becoming extinct due to this killing. A good example of this extinction can be perceived from the extinction of Dodo. It was last seen in this world in 1660's, and until then, there is no sign of it in the world of killing.

If we don't take steps to stop this killing, then this distinguished world will become a vague one and we can do nothing except to sit and watch the world lose its height.